摘要: 又传出好消息:受疫情影响的边远地区移民签证489/491/494可延期
Skilled Regional Provisional Visa FlexibilityThe Government will extend by 3 years Skilled Regional Provisional (subclass 489, 491 and 494) visas where the visa holder was impacted by COVID-19 international travel restrictions. This will assist around 10,000 skilled regional workers. This will provide sufficient additional time for all current and former Skilled Regional Provisional visa holders to make travel arrangements to start or resume living and working in regional Australia. Temporary Graduate Visa FlexibilityThe Government will make changes to allow entry of current and former Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) visa holders from 18 February 2022, to allow them to re-enter Australia and apply for a further stay. Visas will be extended for graduates who were outside of Australia at any time between 1 February 2020 and 14 December 2021, while they held a valid Temporary Graduate visa. The extension will take effect on 18 February 2022 and visa holders will be notified directly by the Department of Home Affairs of the extension of their visa and may arrive after this occurs, from 18 February onwards. These changes support the return to Australia of temporary graduates as soon as possible, ahead of further planned changes on 1 July 2022 that will provide a further visa extension option to former graduates. 信息来源: https://minister.homeaffairs.gov.au/AlexHawke/Pages/further-flexibility-for-temporary-migrants.aspx 为缓解国内用工短缺,吸引更多的新移民尽快入境,移民部长今天宣布,因受到COVID-19疫情影响无法入境的海外489/491/494签证持有者,将有机会获得额外3年有效期的延期优惠。此政策将帮助大约10000名海外申请者返回澳洲。 对于实施时间以及申请细节,移民部长并无透露,估计在2022年2月下旬实施。 对因受到COVID-19疫情影响无法入境的485毕业生工签的签证持有者,如果签证即将过期或在境外期间过期,从2022年2月18日起,可以允许入境澳洲,然后在境内申请485签证的延期。 对于这些申请者,只要是在2020年2月1日至2021年12月14日期间,任何时间段人在澳洲境外就可以满足要求。 移民部长表示,移民局将在2月18日前自动发给满足要求的申请者一封email,以来解释如何入境及延期485。满足要求的小伙伴儿,这段时间要留意移民局的电子邮件哦! |
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