摘要: 2020年8月25日,TAS政府根据联邦移民局的临时配额制定了自己的疫情期间的临时担保政策。
2020年8月25日,TAS政府根据联邦移民局的临时配额制定了自己的疫情期间的临时担保政策。我们总结如下: A. 各类签证的担保(419/190/188/132)配额为临时的,本年度的配额和标准会在10月后根据联邦移民局的总配额进行更新。 B. 8月-10月,只受理那些可能对澳大利亚经济复苏有帮助的申请者。具体包括: 1. 高品质的商业移民申请者(188和132类) 2. 从事特殊领域工作具备特殊技能的,并对TAS 新冠疫情的控制有所帮助的申请者。例如医护领域的服务人员,具备提供疫情期间必需品和服务技能的,以及对澳洲经济复苏的关键部门提供服务的申请者。 3. 目前居住在澳大利亚,并能够证明自己有能力为澳大利亚经济复苏做出贡献的申请人 C. 所有正在等待担保或刚刚递交担保申请的申请人,将都会被按照以上3个标准来进行评估,符合标准的将被优先处理。 D. 对于不符合上述3个条件的申请者,TAS政府将在10月后开始处理。除非有特殊原因的申请才可能10月前被处理,特殊原因不包括签证过期。 Q&A Q1:TAS政府为什么要更改目前的担保政策? A: 在2020年10月6日联邦预算公布前,联邦移民局只授予了TAS政府少量的担保配额,以用来吸引那些对新冠疫情和TAS经济复苏有帮助的申请。
Q2:等到联邦预算公布后,TAS的担保政策会恢复到疫情前的政策吗? A: 澳大利亚政府仍在讨论各州领地移民担保提名在2020-2021年度的配额和形式。然而,TAS政府估计今年的担保移民计划将集中致力于促进经济复苏。
Q3:我的担保申请何时会被处理? A:TAS政府将按照联邦移民局规定优先处理在特殊领域的申请者。其他非特殊领域和具备特殊技能的申请者,如果能证明自己可以对TAS的经济复苏做出贡献,在优先申请者处理完毕后,如果有剩余配额,会被审理。 因此,对于非被优先处理的申请,可能会等待相当长的时间。TAS政府建议这些申请者考虑申请其他类型的签证以保持在澳洲的合法身份。
Q4:我的签证即将过期,我的申请是否可以被优先处理? A: 签证过期不在优先处理的范围内,除非申请者在特殊领域工作,或具备特殊技能,能为TAS控制疫情或经济复苏提供帮助。
Q5:TAS政府预计批准多少491和190类担保申请者? A: 在10月前,TAS政府只从联邦政府获得了少数的配额。目前还无法得知10月后能够获得多少担保配额。
Q6:在食品供应仓储领域的雇员,包括卡车送货司机,农场工,肉类加工等可以算是特殊领域吗? A: 不算,只有在以下情况才可以计算: 您直接参与基本食品和服务的供应,如果你离职,供应将受到威胁。这些岗位一般要求有较高的技能和专业性。
Q7: 厨师算特殊领域或具备特殊技能吗? A:不算。除非你能证明你的工作对于TAS的经济复苏至关重要。
Q8:注册护士,登记护士以及其他在老弱病残照顾领域的工作是否算具备特殊技能呢? A:算。
Q9: 我在TAS经营一家营业额比较高的生意,可以算是特殊领域的吗? A:在TAS的小生意主如果能证明自己对TAS的经济复苏有所帮助,可以被认为属于特殊领域。考虑因素包括雇佣了多少当地人,对当地经济产生持续的影响,提供社区内无法提供的有价值的服务,出口收入可观的生意,对TAS产品的品牌形象做出贡献等。
Q10: TAS毕业生在10月后会继续像疫情前那样获得担保提名吗? A:对于那些所学专业不属于特殊领域的留学生,TAS政府在10月获得更多配额后,会恢复原来的留学生担保计划。目前8-10月,政府担保提名只提供给那些对新冠疫情和经济复苏有帮助的特别专业和具备特别技能的申请者。
那些所学专业不属于特殊领域的留学生或没有特殊技能的毕业生,目前只能继续等待,或继续参加TAS的技能培训以增加自己进入特殊领域工作的机会,从而尽快获得担保。 其他相关内容,请看以下官方原文: 2020–2021 Program Update Interim visa nomination allocations and
priorities August - October 2020 What has changed? The Department of Home Affairs has
issued an interim allocation of subclass 491, 190, 188 and 132 visa nomination
places to states and territories. These allocations will be updated after the
2020-21 Federal Budget is handed down in October. The Department of Home Affairs has directed that until this time, all nominations must be justifiable in relation to their likely contribution to Australia’s economic recovery, and follow three priorities: 1. High quality subclass 188 and 132 (Business Innovation and Investment Program) nomination applications. 2. Applicants critical to supporting Tasmania’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including individuals providing critical or specialist medical services, critical skills required to maintain the supply of essential goods and services, or delivering services in sectors critical to Australia’s economic recovery. 3. Applicants currently in Australia who can demonstrate their capacity to meaningfully contribute to economic recovery. What does this mean for applicants? All new and existing nomination
applications will be considered according to these priorities, with those in
critical roles being nominated first. Existing applicants who are not in
critical roles will be considered only after priority applications for critical
roles have been processed. Decisions on non-critical role
applications may not be available until October or later. Only those applicants
with the most compelling claims will be nominated. Imminent visa expiry is not sufficient
to give priority to an application. If your visa is about to expire you should
contact the Department of Home Affairs or a Registered Migration Agent about
your visa options. What does it mean for applications
lodged before 1pm (AEST), Tuesday 25th August 2020 (Subclass 491 / Subclass
190)? Migration Tasmania willemail all applicants who lodged their application, offering them an opportunity to either: 1. request priority consideration on the basis that they are engaged in a critical role supporting the health system or the Tasmanian economy, or 2. withdraw their application for nomination and receive a full refund of the application fee, or 3. continue with their application in respect of a requirement to demonstrate that their nomination will lead to a genuine ongoing and meaningful contribution to Tasmania’s economic recovery. Applicants who request their application
continue to be considered for nomination will not receive a refund regardless
of the outcome. Applicants who are not employed in
critical roles will not be nominated unless they can strongly demonstrate that
their nomination will genuinely benefit economic recovery in Tasmania. There is no guaranteed timeframe for an
outcome and applicants in non-critical roles may not receive an outcome until
October or later. Migration Tasmania will competitively
assess all existing applications in accordance with priorities established by
the Department of Home Affairs. With the very limited number of
nomination places available, nomination cannot be guaranteed and only those in
critical roles or able to provide the most compelling claims will be supported. What does it mean for applications
lodged after 1pm (AEST), Tuesday 25th August 2020 (Subclass 491 / Subclass
190)? All new applications lodged after 1pm (AEST),
Tuesday 25th August 2020 must meet the minimum requirements of their chosen
nomination category and demonstrate that the applicant is critical to supporting
Tasmania’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery. Applicants must provide a letter of support from
their employer clearly explaining how their role is critical to providing
medical services, the supply of essential goods and services, or delivering
services in sectors critical to Tasmania’s economic recovery. If an applicant
cannot show that their role is critical, it will not be supported for
nomination. This requirement will be reviewed after
the Federal Budget in October when full details of the 2020-21 nomination
allocations and requirements are announced by the Department of Home Affairs. What are critical roles? The Department of Home Affairs provides guidance on critical roles or critical skills at https://covid19.homeaffairs.gov.au/critical-skills-and-sectors#toc-1. For Tasmania these roles include those: 1. directly assisting in Tasmania’s COVID-19 response directly engaged by Tasmanian Government 2. providing critical or specialist medical services or delivering medical supplies potentially associated with COVID-19 response. This includes all general nursing and medical positions with the Tasmanian Health Service 3. directly involved in the supply of essential goods and services (medical technology, critical infrastructure, telecommunications, engineering and mining, supply chain logistics, agricultural technology, food production, and the maritime industry) including highly skilled and specialised roles in: 4. infrastructure engineering and maintenance such as dams, large-/high-complexity bridges, irrigation schemes, transport logistics planning and maintenance 5. agriculture such as artificial insemination technicians, wool classers, livestock pregnancy scanners 6. the supply of essential goods and services which would be in jeopardy without the applicant. *This does not include lower level positions such as retail workers, harvest labour, delivery drivers, or warehouse staff. 1. delivering services in sectors critical to economic recovery such as financial technology, large scale manufacturing, film and television production and emerging technology which: 2. must be high-value/highly-skilled/specialised roles 3. would normally include a significant and recognised contribution to export income, significant flow-on employment and economic benefits, high-value national/ international exposure. *This will not
generally include small scale, locally-oriented operations. In addition, Tasmania will accept new applications from people employed in: 1. health and allied health occupations, including in private and not-for-profit sectors 2. senior support workers/enrolled nurses/registered nurses in aged, disability and community care (minimum diploma qualified). The scope of these priority areas may
change as the needs of Tasmania’s economy evolves. What is a genuine, ongoing and
meaningful contribution to the Tasmanian economy? Every nomination must be justified in
terms of an applicant’s potential to contribute to economic recovery in
Tasmania. The onus is on the applicant to demonstrate how they meet this
requirement. Supporting claims may include: 1. employment in highly skilled, hard to fill roles 2. high value skills or experience not readily found in the local community 3. long-term high-value financial contribution to the local economy leading to additional employment outcomes for locals 4. involvement in Tasmanian business or enterprise that is significantly reliant on the applicant’s ongoing presence in Tasmania 5. a clear, plausible potential to live in Tasmania and contribute to the development of skills which are needed in Tasmania. What does it mean for Subclass 188 and
132 visa nomination applications?
More information on interim business nomination program arrangements and priorities will be available in the near future. |
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