摘要: 2020年7月28日,澳洲移民局官网更新了可以被豁免旅行限制的人群。
2020年7月28日,澳洲移民局官网更新了可以被豁免旅行限制的人群,下面我们就来看看完整版的解释: 目前,因受COVID 19全球疫情的影响,澳大利亚实行边境管制。除了少数特别人群外,大部分旅行者暂时无法进入澳大利亚。对于所有允许进入澳大利亚的人都会被强行隔离14天。 Travel restrictions Australia has strict border measures inplace to protect the health of the Australian community. Very limited flightsare currently available to and from Australia and you may not be able to travelat this time. Travel restrictions are subject to change. Please check backregularly. See: National Cabinet media statement. All travellers arriving in Australia,including Australian citizens, must quarantine for 14 days at a designatedfacility, such as a hotel in their port of arrival. See Coronavirus(COVID-19) advice for travellers. You may be required to pay for thecosts of your quarantine. To find out more about quarantine requirements,contact the relevant state orterritory government health department. You cannot come to Australia unless you are in an exempt category or you have been granted anindividual exemption to the current travel restrictions 以下人群不需要获得特别许可,可以直接入境: 1. 澳大利亚公民 2. 澳大利亚绿卡签证持有者 3. 澳大利亚公民或绿卡持有者的直系亲属 4. 常驻澳大利亚的新西兰公民及其直系亲属 5. 持有995签证的被派往澳大利亚的外交官 6. 在澳大利亚过境不超过72小时的旅客 7. 航空公司机组人员 8. 包括海军飞行员内的海员 Exempt categories You are automaticallyexempt from the travel restrictions and can enter Australia (withoutobtaining an individual exemption) if you are: 1. an Australian citizen 2. a permanent resident of Australia 3. an immediate family member of an Australian citizen or permanent resident 4. a New Zealand citizen usually resident in Australia and their immediate family members 5. a diplomat accredited to Australia (holding a subclass 995 visa) 6. a traveller transiting Australia for 72 hours or less 7. airline crew 8. maritime crew including marine pilots. You need tocarry evidence that you meet one of the above categories when travelling.Additional evidence may be requested. 满足以下任一条件的非澳洲公民或绿卡的个人,可以申请入境豁免: 1. 收到澳大利亚政府或州或地区政府机构邀请,入境协助应对COVID 19疫情 2. 提供紧急或专业医疗服务,包括空中救护、医疗服务和运送紧急医疗用品 3. 具有特殊技能或在澳大利亚特殊部门工作(解释附后) 4. 受到澳大利亚政府或州及地区政府的支持,符合国家利益的入境者 5. 军事人员 6. 经州或领地的许可,目前就读11和12年级的国籍留学生 7. 具有令人信服的入境理由,例如亲人去世或患有重症 Individual exemptions The Commissioner of the Australian Border Force may grant you an individual exemption if you are: 1. a non-citizen travelling at the invitation of the Australian Government or a state or territory government authority for the purpose of assisting in the COVID-19 response 2. providing critical or specialist medical services, including air ambulance, medical evacuations and delivering critical medical supplies 3. a non-citizen with critical skills or working in a critical sector in Australia 4. a non-citizen whose entry would otherwise be in the national interest, supported by the Australian Government or a state or territory government authority 5. military personnel, including those who form part of the Status of Forces Agreement, Commonwealth Armed Forces, Asia Pacific Forces and Status of Armed Forces Agreement 6. a student completing year 11 and 12, with support from the relevant state and territory government 7. travelling for compassionate and compelling reasons. You must hold a visa and an exemption to Australia’s travel restrictions before you travel. You can request an exemptionusing the form below and must provide appropriate evidence to support yourclaims. All documents need to be officially translated into English. You need to apply for an exemption atleast 4 weeks, but not more than 3 months, before your planned travel. Your request must include: 1. traveller details: name, date of birth, visa type and number, passport number 2. proposed residential address and phone number in Australia 3. your reasons for coming: why you should be granted an exemption 4. a supporting statement: setting out how you meet one of the grounds for an exemption 5. accompanying evidence. If you are not grantedan exemption, you should not continue with your travel plans, as you will notbe permitted to board a flight to Australia. If you are granted a travelexemption, you need to take evidence of that exemption decision to the airport. 哪些领域的人属于具备特殊技能:医疗技术 1. 特殊基础建设 2. 通信 3. 工程及采矿 4. 供应链物流 5. 农业技术 6. 食品生产 7. 海事领域 8. 其他对于澳洲经济复苏有益的领域,例如金融科技,大型制造业,影视制作等
具有特殊技能打算入境的申请人需要在入境前4周,但不能超过3个月递交入境申请。 入境申请需要提供个人姓名,出生日期,签证类型和号码,护照信息,来澳居住地址和电话,入境理由,申请人关于入境的个人陈述等。 Travel exemption requirements for individuals in critical sectors or withcritical skills The Commissioner of the AustralianBorder Force may grant an individual exemption if you are a non-citizen: 1. travelling at the invitation of the Australian Government or a state or territory government authority for the purpose of assisting in the COVID-19 response 2. providing critical or specialist medical services, including air ambulance, medical evacuations and delivering critical medical supplies 3. with critical skills required to maintain the supply of essential goods and services (such as in medical technology, critical infrastructure, telecommunications, engineering and mining, supply chain logistics, agricultural technology, food production, and the maritime industry) 4. delivering services in sectors critical to Australia’s economic recovery (such as financial technology, large scale manufacturing, film and television production and emerging technology), where no Australian worker is available 5. whose entry would otherwise be in Australia's national interest, supported by the Australian Government or a state or territory government authority. An individual can submit a request for atravel exemption under this category or a business can submit a request ontheir behalf. The applications of multiple travellers within the samegroup/business can be linked, so that the requests are considered together. Please request an exemption using theform below and provide appropriate evidence to support the claims. Alldocuments need to be officially translated into English. An exemption should generally be appliedfor at least 4 weeks, but not more than 3 months, before planned travel. Urgentbusiness travel will be considered inside this timeframe. The request must include: 1. traveller details: name, DOB, visa type and number, passport number, proposed residential address and phone number in Australia 2. reasons for travel: why your request should be considered for Commissioner discretion/exemption 3. supporting statement: setting out how you meet one of the critical skills/critical sector grounds for exemption 4. accompanying evidence: the request should be accompanied by supporting evidence, such as a letter from a business involved in the provision of critical goods and services, Australian Government or state and territory government authority advising why your travel is critical at this time Individuals must hold a valid visa andan exemption from the Commissioner before they travel. 如何申请入境豁免
移民局要求申请者在入境前4周,不超过3个月内提前申请入境豁免。申请材料包括: 1. 身份证明 2. 已有签证 3. 旅行规划 4. 出生证明或婚姻状况证明 5. 亲属关系证明以及澳洲居住证明 6. 医生或医院的证明信 7. 雇主证明信 8. 雇主或政府机构的证明信,证明申请人具备特殊技能 9. 个人声明 在线申请链接:https://travel-exemptions.homeaffairs.gov.au/tep Apply online for an exemption You need to apply for an exemption atleast 4 weeks, but not more than 3 months, before your planned travel. To complete a travel exemption requestyou should already hold a visa and you should provide information and documentsto support your request. This may include the following: 1. proof of identity 2. evidence that you hold a valid visa 3. travel itinerary 4. marriage, birth, death certificate/s 5. proof of relationship or residence (such as a shared tenancy agreement, joint bank account etc.) 6. letter from a doctor or hospital, indicating why travel is necessary 7. letter from an employer indicating why travel is necessary 8. supporting letter from a business or government agency, advising why your skills are critical 9. statutory declaration to support your claims. Please do not submit multiple requestsfor one traveller, as only the most recent request will be processed. Obtaining a travel exemption does notguarantee you will be able to get a flight to Australia at this time. |
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