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Alan 2021-11-25 09:21 3119

摘要:  485签证重大利好消息!受疫情影响无法入境的申请者可以重新申请,2年485工签延长1年


The new visa settings mean:

---Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) visa holders who have been unable to travel to Australia as a result of COVID-19 international border restrictions will be able to apply for a replacement visa. This will allow current and former Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) visa holders whose visas expired on or after 1 February 2020 to re-apply for a new subclass 485 visa of the same duration as their original visa. (202021日后因新冠疫情导致无法按期入境的485签证持有者,将被允许重新申请一个新的485签证,签证有效期限将和原485一样)

--- Additionally, the Morrison Government will increase the length of stay on the Temporary Graduate visa from two to three years for Masters by coursework graduates, matching that of Masters by reseach graduates. Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector graduates will also receive a two year Temporary Graduate visa.(就读Master of Coursework的毕业证毕业可以直接申请3年的485工作签,就读TAFE的申请者也将可以申请2年的485工作签)

--- The new visa settings will also extend existing measures for students and temporary graduates to recognise time spent offshore studying online to count towards qualifying for a temporary graduate visa.(因疫情在境外通过在线学习的情况也被认为满足澳洲2年学习的要求)



DiZ Global

迪智教育移民(DiZ Global) 本着专业诚信,贴心透明的服务宗旨,专注于为客户提供专业的澳洲定居|置业|投资咨询服务。公司由行业内多名资深顾问、澳洲注册移民代理(Registered Migration Agent)、律师(Barrister)以及注册会计师合作加盟成立。



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